pulled pork brussels
Holistic Lifestyle Recipes

Simple Lunch Meal Prep: Pulled Pork & Brussels

No one loves to do meal prep. But it is one of the best tools to set yourself up for success each week. Not only do you get healthy food in your belly. You spend less money on going out to eat!

Recently, I shared a behind the scenes look at my weekly haul grocery haul and meal prep. One of my secrets is meal prepping all my lunches and I make one recipe into 10 meals. (5 for me and 5 for my husband) I think lunch is the most crucial meal to have prepared because it is the easiest to skip when you get busy during the day. And then you have zero energy by 5pm and NEED TO EAT NOW. Eating consistent healthy and filling meals is one of the best secrets to maintaining weight, energy, and clear skin. If you aren’t doing this, you need to start today!

How to Make Meal Prep Super Simple:

When you don’t have to spend hours researching meal ideas – you can make meal prep simple! Thinking and researching brain takes time and work! This is exactly why I will be sharing recipes each week. To make your life easier and provide a growing vault of simple lunch meal prep recipes that can be used again and again. All recipes will be gluten-free.

Each week expect to find a new gluten-free simple lunch recipe released!

The recipe this week is super simple, but so delicious!

Pulled Pork with Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes!

Here is how I make it.

Pulled Pork with Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes


This recipe makes 10 meals.

  • 3 lbs of pork butt or shoulder
  • 4 lbs of brussels sprouts.
  • 3 lbs of red potatoes
  • avocado oil
  • sea salt
  • pepper
  • Primal bbq sauce

That is all you need!! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this recipe before!


I cook the pork in a crock pot. All you have to do is throw it in the crockpot early on Sunday morning. Cook for 8 hours on low or 4 hours on high. Put on “keep warm” until you ready to put together the simple meal prep bowls together. Shred before packaging up.

Turn the oven on at 400 degrees. Wash the brussels and potatoes. Prep the brussels by cutting off the ends and cutting in half. The smaller they are the faster they will crispy. Once all the brussels sprouts are prepped. Grab a extra large baking sheet. And cover with parchment paper. Spread the sprouts and coat with avocado oil and salt and pepper. Roast until crispy about 30-40 minutes.

Next, start a pot of boiling filtered water. Cut up the potatoes into quarters. Once the pot is boiling, throw in the potatoes. Cook until soft. Drain the water.

Last, pull out your glass meal prep containers. Start with the shredded pork and portion out into each container. If you really want to be exact, you could use a scale, but I just eye-ball it. Then portion out the brussels and potatoes. Sprinkle a bit of BBQ sauce on the pulled pork. And then add some extra salt and pepper over the potatoes. BOOM! And now you have filling healthy and gluten -free lunch that will keep you feeling full until dinner!

*Note* If you want to save more money, I suggest making your own BBQ sauce. Fed and Fit is the BBQ recipe I make most often! Or if you don’t use the BBQ sauce I suggested make sure it has simple ingredients, low in sugar, and no gluten.

Let me know if you try this recipe for your next weekly lunch plan! And if you are interested in tips to make the paleo lifestyle budget friendly – check out my post here!

Until next week!




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