Holistic Lifestyle Intuition Wonder Wednesday

Wonder Wednesday & The Power of Now

Hey Guys!!

I have so many exciting things to share and so many NEW favorites for my Body and MIND! I just got back from a super fun trip to Denver to visit my sister and see my family! It was so nice to disconnect, rejuvenate and see my family after almost 6 months!  How was your Memorial weekend? I hope it was just what you needed to relax and connect back with yourself. (PS – Yes I know it is already Thursday now…..)


So let’s talk meals first! What have I been eating?

Recently, I have been LOVING on Diane Sanflippos and Liz Wolfe’s podcast and Diane’s snap chats! I found this amazing recipe for a Salsa Verde Chicken that is literally PACKED full of flavor.  It is so versatile as I can make salads or tacos or even just paired with a side of roasted veggies!  I like to make a big batch of this to last at least the week and eat as my main protein meal for each day. YUM!

Also…you might have seen my post on Instagram of Oatmeal Dijon Crusted Tilapia.  This is my edited version of the delicious almond crusted tilapia. I didn’t have any nuts so I substituted for gluten-free oatmeal.

dijon crusted tilapia bowl

Here’s the full recipe.

1 Tilapia filet
½ TBSP coconut oil
2 TBSP Dijon mustard
1/8 cup of oatmeal
First, I let the tilapia thaw in warm water.  Then I put a thin layer of coconut oil on top of the filet.  Then I spread a thin layer of Dijon mustard.  (I like the Dijon mustard that has the beads, but you can use really any kind).  Then I sprinkled on some oatmeal. (I just guessed on how much I used)  I flipped it over and did the same thing on the other side.   I cooked in the oven until lightly brown and crispy.  I put in at 400 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.
Then I lightly sautéed 1 zucchini in a bit of tamari and water.  I threw the leafy greens, avocado, tomatoes, zucchini, together in the pretty bowl topped with the tilapia and a few pinches of Himalayan sea salt! Voila! A yummy dish!


For breakfast, I am in LOVE with My New Smart Shake Protein Powder!!!! 

It is SERIOUSLY so good, so filling, so nutritious!!!! This is the perfect breakfast for me because it is like eating eggs! (I cannot eat eggs…..:( ) Except eggs don’t have this much fiber….which makes this shake even more amazing! There is also no sugar! ZERO grams!

This shake is PERFECT to help me get in both more protein and more fiber – both of which I am needing to add into my diet more.  Just 2 scoops have 18 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber with a total of only 150 calories!  This makes it easy to add additional fruits/veggies as desired!  BUT Usana also created this delicious flavor packs that are only 5 calories! And OMG they are soo good!  I have only tried the dark chocolate so far…but will be putting in an order to try to rest!  The packets have a bit of stevia in it which is a great alternative for a zero calorie sugar!  It does NOT taste weird at all!  It literally tastes like creamy coconutty chocolate pudding!

Here is the recipe:

2 Scoops of MySmart Shake Plant Base
½ Cup of Tempt Unsweetened CoconutHemp Milk (I am trying different nut milk brands and this one is my favorite right now!!)My Smart Shake Plant
1 dark chocolate packet


Another great thing about this line is that there are optimizers to ADD in more nutrition to the shakes based on your goals! So if I am lifting weights or need more filling meal….I can add in the Whey Protein! OR If I need more fiber I can add in some Fibergy!  Cool right?? I love the personalization because my goals are going to be different on a day to day basis! Sometimes I need more protein and some days I might not get enough fiber depending on how my body feels that day…OR even based around my plan for the rest of the day!



Right now my goals include building muscle and increasing flexibility. So I am doing body weight exercises and lifting weights specifically my legs.

I absolutely LOVED this workout that included some HIIT and busted up my legs!

If I ever don’t have a clue what I want to do for a workout and want some routine, I search for a simple workout on Pinterest. (never fails me) They have loads of routines and variety so there really is no excuse not to work out.

I love doing HIIT type workouts because…. 1) Detox toxins, 2) Get Rid of Bloat, and 3)Not Waste My Time/Keep Things more Interesting!

I also love yoga!! Yoga with Adrienne is always my go to! I have been loving her Yoga Camp Series.  Check it out here! 


For me, wellness is much more than just taking care of my body through food and exercise.  Working on the mind — now that is really just the cherry on the cake. Our mind matters so much more and is our true determinant of confident, happiness, and overall satisfaction in life. <3

Taking care of my mind is JUST as important and if I don’t….I get crabby and I am NOT my best person to be around. So HOW do I take care of my mind?

I nurture my confidence. I pray as often as I can. I let myself breathe and clear my mind. Lastly, I read A LOT. I have a serious addiction to books and learning. It is so bad, I definitely call it an addition. I think a huge part is because I am learning SO much in this period of my life. It has been my time to develop foundational habits and understand how taking care of me is really number one because when I don’t…I am a crappy employee, I cannot work on my blog/business and I surely cannot uphold all my other responsibilities and duties! (life is tough!)  But you can make everything SO much easier when you work on the mind.  I saw on Facebook one of my friends posted “I see mindset as daily hygiene like brushing your teeth.”  I could not agree more.

Lately, I have been digging into more and more books. Right now I am loving the Power of Now.  It is helping me to realize how much the present moment is taken for granted and is encouraging me to slow down even more and really enjoy exactly where I am right now. Life is surely beautiful and living in the past or future…just plain sucks.  I want to enjoy right now because life is pretty awesome and it is up to me to enjoy it right now! <3

The power of now is SO huge for me because I am an obsessive planner and little bit of an overachiever. That means I live in the future. My entire LIFE I have lived in the future. It isn’t until now that I realize I should have enjoyed the present SO much more. The last 3 years have flown by faster than I can express..and I don’t expect it to slow down.  (Ok back to the point chelsea)

How often do you sit and plan your new job, your dream career path, or live in a state of thinking WHEN “I get more money” WHEN “I get married or WHEN “I buy a house”.  It is FUN to think about what is to come! BUT how often do we just stay over there? Living in the future and not enjoying the now. The truth is that future doesn’t exist, there is only the present.

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”

My favorite way to be more present is to spend time in nature! ^^ I took this photo above when I was in Denver.


How can you be more present this week? Share with me and leave a comment below! (You are 10x more likely to do it if you write it down….;) )




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