Holistic Lifestyle

Laying out my life desires and purpose

My dream…..

Someday I want to be laying around in the warm sun sipping my daily green juice.  After a refreshing morning of motivation, a nice run, and juice, I will hop on my computer to update my blog (this one). I will be a nutritional consultant and life coach.  I will be able to see clients as a I please and I will have a deep connection with my clients and change their life. I will have a beautiful house and a beautiful studio where I can paint and dance all day long.  I will have a office where I host my consultations as well as offer a variety of products.  I will have my own health food stores as well to go with my consultations so I can teach my clients how to eat well and give them the support and knowledge to change their lives.  In the evenings, I will teach a Pilates class as well as meditation to end the day.   I will eat lots of super foods and lots and lots of green juice.  I will come to my husband and jump into his arms as I lay and read a health book to further my knowledge in my field.  My husband will be just as excited about life as me and he will push me to become the best amazing person I can ever be.  I will cook amazing food that is clean and healthy. And then I will lay in the sun and soak up how blessed and amazing my life is.  And I will give back all the time by volunteering at the YMCA and helping change the lives of abandoned women and children and help them rebuild strength and help change their lives.  And I will spend my free time making life a little more  beautiful whether it be painting my thoughts, or decorating some cupcakes for a little girl. I am gonna live, breathe, and think a life full of vibrancy and exhilaration.
Maybe my life won’t exactly be like this in the upcoming years…but I do believe my life will become something like this generally.
From now on out I will only think positive thoughts and meditate daily on this vision I have for the rest of my life.

I know this post is kind of random but I just watched the movie “The secret” and it inspired me to imagine my life exactly how I wish it to be.

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, either way you are right”   –Henry Ford

<3 Chelsea Jolene



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