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How to Break Free from Anxiety.

*Note: I wrote this post back in October, but never got around to publishing it. So some comments are dated, but I wanted to leave it how I originally wrote.

Hi Guys!

I am in the middle of creating a e-book that I am SO excited to share as it is turning out b e a u t i f u l! Anyways, while writing this e-book, I suddenly felt inspired to write a blog post to dig deeper into the topic of Anxiety.

My goal for this post is to help you dig into why you feel anxious and how the beliefs you hold might be the reason for this soul-sucking discomfort.

My History with Anxiety. 

Anxiety comes and goes for me. But when it hits, I want to do anything I can go GET out of that awful feeling.  It took me a long time to figure out what triggered my anxiety.  Anxiety is very debilitating, and it can be hard to move when it hits. It also sucks because you feel like your day is ruined. 

For me, I have identified that my anxiety stems from tearing myself down and struggling with negative beliefs that I hold. It also appears when I have lots of s p a c e ( I need a schedule and a plan) Last, it comes from spending too much time on social media and not working towards my goals.

The Lies that Keep You Anxious.

Let’s get real here.  Most of us here are go-getter women.  You don’t want to settle for ho-hum. You want to be your best self and create a great life! Nothing feels more thrilling! But we have a serious problem and that is that little voice inside our head that tears us down and tells us that we aren’t worthy and keeping us stuck in anxiety. 

This voice might say things like:
1. You are fraud.  No one cares what you say or think.
2. You are lazy.  How come you can’t get xyz project done? You should be working 24/7. It is all about the HUSTLE. You don’t have time for social gatherings, cleaning, eating, or really anything. Work work work is what you need to make your dreams. Or are you just lazy?
3. There is no time for anything. Might as well give up.
4. You are fat. Better skip that meal so you can stay thin. 

The list goes on and on. We beat ourselves up daily.  And letting these thoughts in can bring up major anxiety. And it can be difficult in the moment to stop these voices from coming in.

I truly believe that the root of anxiety stems for our belief that we are not good enough and we need to constantly do more. And it is one giant lie! We need to take a stand for ourselves and re-write the story in our head. If we choose to believe these lies, it will only keep us stuck in anxiety where we will continue to hide!

Here is how I deal with anxiety when it hits: 

4 Step Writing Process to Deal with Anxiety.

Writing is one of the best tools that I use to manage my anxiety. Here is how I do it: 

Open your notes app on your phone.  – The notes app is the BEST! I can journal my thoughts at any moment and clear my head.  I can do whatever I need to start working towards feeling good. Writing is so therapeutic to beat anxiety. 

1. Write why you feel anxious

What belief is showing up for your right now? Just spill it all out. Taking the time to do this will help you feel clear on the issue.
ex. “ I feel like a failure. I feel like I will never figure out how to manage my time. I feel like I will always be too lazy to put in the work required. I feel like I never do enough.”

2. Identify the root belief.

What do you believe that is making you feel like this? 
ex. “The truth is that I feel worried that I will never make enough time for my dreams. I feel like it always goes to the back burner and I don’t know where to focus my time and energy to be most efficient.”

3. Re-write your belief.

Write what you want your belief to be.  ex. Set aside small amounts of time each day.  It doesn’t have to be a lot. The choice is in your hands on how you handle your energy and time. You are not lazy one bit. If you were lazy, you wouldn’t feel this anxiety.”

4. Dump your priorities out.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed so instead I write out a list of what I need to do and what I want to do to nurture my soul. This includes things like decorating, cleaning, creative projects, reading, ANYTHING! All these pieces are crucial to feed your life. – They all matter. Listen in to what would make you the happiest to add into your life right now!!

Goal: Choose 1-2 areas and create small goals that you can achieve in one day.
Ex. Hang up 2 picture frames
Write for 20 minutes.
Learn something new.
Go to the library.
Organize your Closet for 20 minutes. 
Do 1 load of laundry.

The goal is to figure out WHY you have anxiety and to nip it in the bud.

Anxiety is just a sign. It is your intuition speaking to you loud and clear. It can be a voice saying that where you are spending your time is not the right path. It can be a voice saying that you need to re-focus your priorities. It can be a voice saying that you need to work on a negative belief that is holding you down.

The key is you must listen in! Even when you feel resistant! You think I want to journal when I feel an anxiety attack? No! I want to do anything but! But when I find myself stuck in a panic, I remind myself that I can work through this and tomorrow is a new day. 🙂

If you are struggling with anxiety, know that you are not alone. I hope this post helps you to think about your own experience with anxiety and pin point exactly why you feel anxious and what you can do to decrease it from popping up.

Chelsea Jolene

Ps: If you are ready to take back your glow – download the 7 secrets to glowing skin e-book! Click here to download for free now. 🙂



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