Creativity Holistic Lifestyle Intuition Soul Living

How Human Design is Helping me Create a Simpler, Happier Life.

I have a secret to share….I love studying human design and astrology! In 2013, I was not interested in anything woo-woo and thought it was all weird.  But a few years later, I became open and went through a crazy phase where I was obsessed with learning everything I could. My goal was to gather as much information as I could and figure out what I believed in and see what I thought. And this journey led me to find Human Design.  It is one of the coolest systems and I think it is so interesting how much you can learn about yourself and how it can improve your life.

What is Human Design??

According to Jenna Zoe (Human Design Expert), “Human Design is the contract your soul makes with the Universe about who you came to be.” It is a mix of principles from The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, chakra system, and quantum physics.

If you don’t like using the word “universe”, you can replace it with God. God designed some crazy stuff. He designed our bodies and this intricate amazing world.  We were created to fit together like a puzzle and use our different gifts to support each other. I am very open to the idea that God would create a system to help us understand ourselves better.  It like a free guide in the sky that tells us our roadmap to a happier and fulfilling life. Who doesn’t want that??!

Even if you are skeptical, there is nothing wrong with trying out the techniques. Life is about learning and experimenting.

Where to Start in HD.

There is so much to learn about your chart. I have learned a lot, so I can briefly educate you on the basics.

Here is a picture of my chart. Yes, it looks weird.  At first, you don’t even need to look at your chart, you will start at the sidebar that will state your type, authority, and profile. You can pull up your chart here for free. But make sure you have your birth time! This is very important for an accurate chart!

My Human Design Chart

The first thing to note your type. I am the Generator Type. There are only 5 types in HD so this is the category of how you operate in the world.

The next thing to understand is authority. I have sacral authority. This is how you best make decisions.

By understanding these 2 pieces, you can start to understand yourself better. 🙂

What is a Generator?

A Generator is one of the energy-types with a defined Sacral center. (the red block in the center) It is one of the most common types at about 40% of the population. Our job is to light up the world with our enthusiasm. The more we light up the more energy we create to make the world better. When generators get in the “flow”, they forget about time and can work for hours when they are doing the right thing. But if they aren’t working on the right things, they can become exhausted and drained quickly.

The Generator Strategy.

Generator’s strategy is to wait for a sign, question, invite, feeling, or something that you can respond to! And then you can respond using your authority. A generator will have either sacral or emotional authority. I have sacral authority so I have personal experience understanding the sacral. The sacral authority uses your gut. Everyone says you need to listen to your gut, but actually only those with sacral authority should do this! If you have emotional, you will use your emotions to make decisions.

For sacral authority, an easy way to use this process is by asking yourself specific yes or no questions. And then you check in with your gut response of what excites you and respond with an ah-HUH or uh-un. Do I want pizza or burgers? Do I want to make the leap for this new job or go on this date? The questions are endless!!

How Human Design Helped Me.

Just understanding this gave me 100% permission to use my gut in all decisions. Overall, it has made life easier and I have felt so much happier.
In my early twenties, my brain mostly wanted to make logical decisions on what would make me a better person and what would make me feel smarter and more successful. These decisions weren’t what I wanted, but the battle between my gut and my head made me feel stuck. I also felt a lot of anxiety about where I was spending my free time and I would feel overwhelmed. I started to see that not doing things that made me excited would drain me and make me very sleepy. Once I started to check in with my gut and create my daily to-do list from that space, my anxiety calmed down A LOT.

If you are new to HD, start by studying your type and authority. And use it to make small decisions and test it out! The more you use it the easier it will be to use and you can see how it helps you!

Human Design is about unraveling the beliefs that don’t serve us. Most of us are told to take action and create what we want, but the only type that should do this is Manifestors. Generators need to check in with their authority and then they can take action by responding. You shouldn’t do things because your mind or ego says you “should”. Following your excitement leads to the highest good of the entire planet. YES, that sounds like a bold statement, but it is the truth.

Following your excitement leads to the highest good of the entire planet.

Every book, every article, every connection can lead you to different opportunities to respond to. It is a chain reaction. It is up to us to follow the ones that excite us. And as generators, we need to set that standard that what we love is on our hearts for a reason. It is as simple as that.

A Few Other Cool Things I Learned…

I learn most all my HD info from Jenna Zoe. And I purchased her “Digesting Life” course to learn my digestion type and my sensory type. I have no idea how to figure this out by just looking at your chart as I think it is a combo of information.

My digestion type is “indirect light”. This cracks me up because I am very sensitive to light. I hate sunlight in my eyes and bright fluorescent lights. It makes me feel stressed and uncomfortable. I prefer eating in dim lighting like candlelight. I love the atmosphere, it feels beautiful and cozy. And this type likes to eat the most at night. (also me) Not only does this refer to how I eat food, but how I digest information. I digest information passively and I need to be picky about what comes into my brain. I resonate with this too especially as I work on managing my social media use. Overall, I thought this made a lot of sense for me.

Next, I learn my sensory type was touch. My results surprised me! I never felt like touch was a strong sense of mine. But after I watched her video and applied it, it made TONS of sense. Touch means that I supposed to touch things to know whether it is right for me or not. I do this at the grocery store with my food and I get instant hits whether I should buy or not. And I do the same thing for clothes. Soft clothes are the best. If it is itchy, I don’t want it in my life. I have bought so many clothes online because I hate shopping at the mall, but it always ends badly. I have now set a rule of only buying clothes in person or if I can easily return them. It is as simple as that.

What I Learned About Manifesting.

Manifesting is essentially create your dream life. And your Human design chart tells you how you manifest best.

Looking at my chart as an example, you want to look at the bottom right arrow. It will point to either the left or the right. If you have the left arrow you will be a specific manifestor and the right arrow is a non-specific manifestor.

I have the left arrow! This is cool because it seems to be a bit rare from what I have seen. If you are specific, you need to know all the details and have a clear picture of exactly what you want. But if you are non-specific you don’t need to know all the details just the idea and let go of the exact detailed outcome. You can learn more about this from Jenna Zoe on Instagram as so many people are asking about non-specific manifesting.

Ultimately, this helped me to realize I need to be super clear on what I want. This might sound great to have, but sometimes I am not always clear. And to be honest, I am a bit resistant to try daily detailed visualizations. But I do like writing, so I plan to use that to get clear on what I want. Just like I did here. Reading this post makes me smile because I have created my life to be a lot like this.

The 5 Human Design Types.

Before I end this post, I want to cover the 5 types of HD. That way if you are hearing about this for the first time, you can learn a bit about your type. And when you figure out your type, comment below and let me know what it is!


Generators have the strategy to RESPOND and are to light up the world. They can appear to have endless energy when they are working on the right things. They need to be careful where they spend their energy because the other types will try to use their energy for their own advantage.

Manifesting Generators

This type is a hybrid of Manifestors and Generators. They have the ability to initiate and respond. MG’s want to sample as many things as possible and they will know right away whether it is right for them or not. For MG’s, its okay to change your mind along the way. They take action and then respond with their authority once they have tried it.


Manifestors are here to INITIATE. They are here to take action on their big ideas and impulses. Manifestors can have an intense aura so its important to realize that not everyone is going to like you. You don’t need to notify anyone about when taking action, but it can be helpful to let your friends and family know what you are doing as an FYI. You do not need to ask for anyone’s permission!


Projectors are the GUIDE. They can see things that others cannot. Each projector has its own special ability to guide people on. Projectors are non-energy type. They can struggle often with wanting to keep up with the generators of the world, but they do not operate that way. You do not need to keep up with generators.


This is the rarest type in HD. They are a non-energy type and 1% of the population. They are a mirror for society and have lots of wisdom. Reflectors struggle with being very open as their energy is affected by other people.

And those are the 5 types! f you have more questions about HD, I recommend following Jenna Zoe. If you want to know about a specific type more, I can recommend podcast episodes depending on what type you want to learn!

And don’t forget to comment below what your human design type is!



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